UNIwise welcomes friends, family and business partners to housewarming for new office
On 15 November, UNIwise welcomed those in the Aarhus area to a housewarming party for our new head office. We hosted suppliers, new neighbours, local customers and families for a relaxed get-together, with some drinks and snacks.
UNIwise holds IT-camp for girls in Aarhus head office
On 20 October, a group of 25 enthusiastic young women in tech joined us in our Aarhus head office for an IT-camp. This was in collaboration with the Aarhus University Department of Computer Science.
Join us for our housewarming party on 15 November in Aarhus!
UNIwise is in an exciting period of expansion, which our move to the new office symbolises. Swing by for a drink on 15 November to see the new space!
Reducing the administrative burden, ensuring flexibility and providing authenticity: the Arctic University of Norway on the benefits of digital assessment
The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) is a research university that contributes to knowledge-based development at the regional, national and international level. This case study follows a conversation with Maria Mykelstad, Administrative Manager at UiT.
Save the date: WISEcon24 to be held 9-10 April 2024 in Hamburg
We’re delighted to announce that WISEcon24 will be held at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, 9-10 April!
WISEflow malware scanning now available to customers
Without proper end-point protection, participants’ computers are open to being infected by malware, and uploaded papers could be infected. This is why we have developed a malware scanning service for WISEflow.
The challenge of AI: adapt, improve, incorporate
There can be no doubt that AI will have a major impact on education, both for students and educators - ChatGPT is just the beginning. This is our company position on ChatGPT, our advice for educational institutions including a focus on ethical principles and best practices, and a discussion of how digital assessment can help.
UNIwise to hold hands-on Machine Learning workshop for students
UNIwise is excited to be holding a hands-on Machine Learning workshop on 28 February for students in the Aarhus area.
UNIwise partners with GitHub to help customers protect against data breaches
UNIwise has add a new partner in our continuous ambition to improve security for WISEflow and our customers. We have partnered with GitHub, an Internet hosting service for software development and version control, to help protect users and prevent data leaks and fraud.
Dispatches from WISEcon22
On 13 and 14 September, UNIwise held the second-ever WISEcon at the Science and Industry Museum, Manchester, bringing together people who are passionate about learning technology across all levels of HE and from across Europe. The event was a great success, and it was really good to be able to meet our colleagues and customers in person after so long.
WISEcon22 Day one round-up
Day one of WISEcon22 featured many interesting and insightful talks from a range of European speakers. We’ve rounded up the highlights here for you ahead of another busy day of all things digital.
Full WISEflow rollout at Aarhus University from Autumn 2023
UNIwise is happy to announce that Aarhus University (AU) will be doing a full rollout of WISEflow from Autumn 2023. Currently, WISEflow is being used at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences and Faculty of Health but as of late next year, it will be used at all five faculties.
Data privacy: at the core of what we do
The digitisation of German society, industry and education has been an ongoing discussion, with the pandemic highlighting areas for development, such as digital public services. During the crisis, funding of 100 million euros was provided for the rapid development of infrastructure and the expansion of digital education. However, there is also a wariness of digital economies.
UNIwise achieves internationally renowned IT security certification
UNIwise is happy to announce that we have achieved the D-seal certification for IT security and data ethics. The D-seal is an internationally renowned Danish labelling program which promotes the responsible use of data.
Online proctoring: a sensitive issue which creates more questions than answers
Our Campfire Session on 2 March, titled ‘Proctoring: Panacea or Problem?’, gave some interesting insights into the use of remote invigilation services, and the issues it can cause for students and institutions alike.
A smooth transition: how the Danish School of Media and Journalism used digital assessment to conduct its entrance exams during the Covid pandemic.
On the 25th of April 2020 over 900 applicants for the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) completed the first-ever fully online admission test from the comfort of their own homes by using WISEflow. Despite the radically changed circumstances for the test, it turned out to be a great success.
WISEcon 2019: Beyond the Standard Written Exam
What constitutes a good exam? Hanne Leth Andersen, Vice-Chancellor at Roskilde University, has a clear opinion: The recipe for a good exam consists of alignment between the teaching methods, the learning objectives, and the types of assessment.
Digital admission test at the Danish School of Media and Journalism
Every year at the end of April or early May, one headline is guaranteed to figure in several Danish media outlets: “Can you get into the Danish School of Media and Journalism?”