WISEflow Originality:
Ensure Academic Integrity with AI-Powered Plagiarism Detection

Why Choose WISEflow Originality?

Securing the academic integrity of participants submissions for exams and other assessments are increasingly important, as the act of passing off someone else's work as one's own, is a serious academic offense that undermines the fundamental principles of education. Gone undetected, it mocks the hard work of honest participants, while it also provides an easier passage for the offending participant.

In order to supply our customers with an alternative in the market, but also a plagiarism detection service that is incorporated and integrated seamlessly into WISEflow, UNIwise have utilized new AI technology in order to offer the WISEflow Originality service which looks for semantic similarity between all its sources.

At the same time, UNIwise have developed the service with existing partners, with additional focus on providing better support for the administrative handling – i.e. easy showcasing of real source being plagiarised.

As research also points to previous exam submissions as the main source for plagiarism, and WISEflow already contains many years of participant submissions, it seems an obvious case also to secure the possibility for the institution to utilise this huge data pool in the effort to uphold academic integrity.

UNIwise have therefore developed and now offer an alternative service to detect plagiarism based on AI, which also is directly incorporated into the marking interface for assessors.

  • Semantic similarity scanning of all participants submissions and appendix material

  • Easy to toggle report on and off in the marking viewer when assessing students

  • Covering +50 different languages out of the box in one Large Language Model

  • Searches for and highlights potential cases of direct plagiarism and paraphrasing 

  • Possibility to list specific license defined internet resources for additional scanning

  • Institution-specific sharing configurations between institutions, contries, EU and globally

Read White Papers on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct 


Working with more than 120 institutions from 15 countries


Students using WISEflow from 170 countries, including China


3.6 million exams and assessments sat on WISEflow in the past year


At peak times, over 90,000 users on WISEflow simultaneously